With the sad news that we had to temporarily close our London salon and store in the middle of March due to the corona virus we have found a new sense of Still in isolation. It was the hardest thing we have ever had to do but the health and wellbeing of our staff and customers has always been our highest priority so we know in our hearts it was the right decision for how to protect as many people as we can.
Through isolation we have had a lot of time to reflect and to think and we hope that our customers, friends and colleagues have all managed to find a new sense of calm at this time, as we have. The core values of Still remain the same and we think that at this, the hardest of times, we should focus on these values and try in any way we can to help the people around us to grow and find a deeper sense of Still.
Self-care in isolation has been such a key thought on a lot of people’s minds, which we think, is such a huge positive. Instead of worrying about day to day problems and the incredible modern stress of work, travel and socialising that the body and mind is put under we are instead all forced to open ourselves up, enjoy each day best we can and settle into a world of calm reflection and inactivity. We are once again becoming human beings instead of constantly convincing ourselves that we are human doings.

During this time we have been watching online Yoga classes, trying our best to eat healthy and whole foods and getting more sleep than we usually manage- all in the hope and aim to improving our own self care rituals. Each morning we burn our natural incense sticks, changing the scent to suit that day’s mood and allowing us to calmly consider the day before us.
Having a bath using Angan Baths salts, harvested from Iceland, is perfect for grounding thoughts of anxiety and worry at this time and following this we always apply our regenerating Hand Balm and Cuticle Oil to look after our nails and hands. This is especially important with the increased likelihood of dry and tired hands from increased washing and alcohol-based sanitisers.
It seems more important than ever to maintain or develop a daily ritual that will be suited to each person as an individual- be mindful to think about what that ritual could involve and how it might change as time goes on through isolation. Incense, Yoga, healthy eating and calming wellness products can all be part of this ritual but for true self care it needs to be tailored to each person to truly bring a new sense of calm and still.